
How to Make Gordo Lobo Tea

What’s your favorite tea? You have probably got your hands on green tea, maybe even chamomile tea, but, have you tried mullein tea or as it is more commonly called Gordo Lobo tea? No!

 Oh, you’re in for a new discovery, then! 

Gordo Lobo or the Common Mullein is no common herb. In fact, we shall hereby refer to it as the Great Mullein - which is its lesser-known name - for the many great benefits it holds. We’ll discuss them one by one in the article ahead, in addition to learning how to make Gordo Lobo tea. But, why tea? Turns out the best way to include Gordo Lobo in your diet is by including its extracts, infusions, or simply brewing a hot cup of tea with it. 

What is Gordo Lobo Tea?

Gordo Lobo is a herb you’ll find anywhere around the globe today. It grows in hot and humid temperatures, and just needs light and watered soil. However, it was initially thought of as a weed that brought on with its tiny skinny stem a lot of bugs that would go on to eat the cultivated and desirable crops.

But, even then, people knew that its yellow flowers were a medicine in their own right. Gordo Lobo flowers and leaves would be crushed into a paste, which would be applied on the chest and back of a person suffering from lung diseases. Later, people discovered that it was more effective to consume mullein extracts. But, there was a catch. Some breeds of Mullein have poisonous seeds, which upon consumption can also be fatal. 

So, they had to select the right type of herb amongst the many mullein breeds, and after selection too, they had to thrash out the unwanted parts of the herbs, not just limited to the seeds. 

So, when we talk about mullein tea, we have to first ask what goes into the drink?

When making a Gordo Lobo tea for respiratory relief, we use the flowers and the leaves of the herb, for more effect.

The roots of Mullein can be used for pain relief and as a laxative. 

It is also important to ask here, whether the Mullein being used is organic or non-organic. Non-organic tea that is loaded with artificial chemicals like fertilizers will do more harm than good. At the Herbal Hermit, we provide you with a 100% natural Gordo Lobo Tea leaf mixture, enriched with even more lung-nurturing herbs like cinnamon and basil. 

Organic tea is how our mother nature intended us to use herbs. 

Benefits of Gordo lobo tea for respiratory health

  •  Expels mucus:

Gordolobo is a natural decongestant, which means no matter how stubborn your cough is, Mullein can probably take it out. The cough often blocks passages and hampers the lungs and the body in its recovery.

  • Soothes an irritated throat:

Excessive coughing, sneezing, sinusitis, and tonsilitis can leave your throat aching, swollen, and irritated. Mullein’s calming effects will help soothe and heal it. A hot cup of mullein tea will quickly help clear the throat of all the accumulated mucus and dust, while also being tender to the throat. 

  • Fights bacteria, viruses, and pathogens:

Gordolobo is a powerhouse of anti-bacteria and anti-viral compounds. In fact, it has been known to be effective against influenza and Tuberculosis. No wonder since times immemorial, Europeans and Asians had been using Mullein to fight cold and lung problems.

  • Reduces inflammation:

Mullein is also anti-inflammatory. Our respiratory system is just a bunch of delicate organs, which undergo wear-and-tear by dust particles, water particles, cold, and more. Mullein helps reduce the swelling that is caused by the damage to them, and helps them restore their natural healthy self faster. 

  • Super powerful against Bronchitis:

Since we have discussed inflammation and accumulated mucus, it’s now easier to discuss Bronchitis. This is a condition in which our respiratory tract’s Bronchial tract gets blocked due to excessive cough. This can lead to shortness of breath, dizziness, poor overall health, and fatigue. If not handled well, bronchitis can be serious. Mullein tea clears the tract and provides it with the protection it needs to recover. 

  • Improves the respiratory system’s capacity to intake oxygen:

With a clear passage and better immunity against infection, you would be able to breathe free and better. More oxygen is always a good news for our body! 

How to make Gordo Lobo tea

Tea sounds simple! You take water, take the tea flowers or leaves, let it simmer, and boil. Sieve the leaves and the flowers out, and relish! What’s there to think about? Right? 

Well, yes and no! 

You see, depending on the tea you have to brew, 2 things change:

  1. Should you boil the leaves and the flowers with the water?
  2. How much of the leaves and flowers to use?

In the case of mullein tea, the right way to go about making it is to start with 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves for every one cup of water. 

You do not mix the leaves into the water. You allow for the water to boil, and once it’s hot enough, pour it onto the tea mix. Let the leaves soak in, absorb, and impart their colour and nutrients to the concoction. 

15 minutes later, you may strain the remaining tea particles out, and relish the tea. 

It is easy to understand why we strain these particles out. They may hamper the experience of a smooth effortless sip and can irritate your throat. But, do you know why you shouldn’t boil the tea leaves along with the water? 

In the case of Gordolobo, doing so can kill of the nutrients it holds. When you pour the boiling water on top of it, you only kill the contaminants and bacteria that might be on the surface. You allow for the tea mixture to loosen up and dissolve its extracts while also not getting overheated and ruining the nutrition. 

You can further add a splash of fun to your tea with just a little bit of honey, clove, or lemon. Not to forget, this makes the tea healthier too! 

How often can you have Gordo Lobo Tea

It’s safe to have a cup or two of mullein every day. However, if you want to have more during sick days or when the seasonal change leaves you vulnerable to catching infections, always consult a doctor first. 

Usually, one can have up to 5 cups a day without significant side effects, but, don’t blame us if you feel too relaxed and find yourself napping much. Gordo Lobo does relax your mind and body super-fast! The best time to have mullein tea is right after waking up and in the evening 2-3 hours before sleeping.

Common Side Effects

There aren’t many side effects to consuming mullein tea. It’s largely a magic tea which benefits your overall immunity, and capacity to fight infections, does wonders for your respiration and digestion, and all-in-all helps you be at ease. 

However, as is the case with any natural remedy, some might work more for one person and not at all for another. In fact, something that works for everybody might have a few contraindications for a few.

Mullein tea as well can have a few undesirable reactions for sensitive groups. Minor skin rashes or irritation in throat has been observed in a very small group of people. Mullein might also react with anti-diabetic medicines. 

In case, you are already on some prescribed dosage, check with your doctor first. 

It’s always wise to start small with any new food item you plan on being regular with. One way to test if a tea works for you is to do a quick skin patch test with it. You don’t even have to consume it. Just crush a few of its leaves onto your forearm, you should leave it be for a few hours and if you observe any irritation or rashes in that applied area, then, it may not be a reliable product. In case the dried leaves are hard to crush or don’t stick, you can also moisten them for the test and apply the sap. If something isn’t good for your skin, it isn’t something your body will react well to.  

Once it clears the skin patch test, you can start by consuming mullein tea in little doses of 1/4th to ½ a cup. Do not start by excessive consumption in the first few days.

In a day or two, you’ll be able to see any adverse effects. 

Key takeaways

Mullein tea or Gordolobo, as it is called in Spanish-speaking Latin American countries, is a powerhouse of a tea for our respiratory and digestive systems, both. The herb has been used across Europe, the Americas, and Asia for centuries to fight respiratory ailments. 

Mullein tea is rich in anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory nutrients, which help us recover faster from cold or flu. It not only detoxes the respiratory tract but also strengthens our lungs and soothes any damaged affliction. 

Gordolobo tea is easy to make, and it does not take longer than 20 minutes. All you need is boiled water, a strainer or sieve, and your favorite cup to enjoy it. 

18 Best Teas for Cold Relief: Natural Remedies to Soothe Symptoms and Boost Immunity
18 Best Teas for Cold Relief: Natural Remedies to Soothe Symptoms and Boost Immunity