What is Teatox?
Teatox = Using Tea to detox
It’s an natural and effective way to cleanse your body of toxins, reduce bloating and with work out burn fat by drinking tea. Teatox is NOT a diet or a meal replacement; you still have to eat healthy meals and continue with your regular exercise routine to enjoy sustained weight loss!
Will colon cleanse detox tea help me loose weight?
Our Detox Tea is designed to help you lose weight by effectively wiping out most of the fecal matter clustered in your colon, thus relieving you of a high amount of waste therefore ensuring a high degree of weight loss. But keep in mind that drinking detox tea alone will not help you lose any weight. It typically helps with bloating and curbing appetite and indirectly help. Consuming ½ your body weight worth of water every morning with a spoon of apple cider vinegar, a healthy fiber rich lean protein diet and regular exercise is essential to keep the weight off.
How long do I have to cleanse?
If it is your first time of cleansing, we fully recommend that you fully undertake the procedure for three weeks. Also make sure you detoxify your body at regular intervals, which could be every six months or annually. Generally, it is absolutely essential that you follow your body language in order to obtain proper self-guide on duration arrangements.
How much water should I take per day while I’m on the colon cleanse?
We totally recommend that you drink at least eight glasses of water per day while cleansing so as to attain a perfect cleanse.
Is it safe for me to take a break while I’m on the cleanse?
While we assure that there would be no defects if you take a break during the cleanse, we also recommend that you carry out the cleansing procedure continuously so as to achieve excellent results.