Is chai tea safe during pregnancy? - HerbalHermit USA
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Is chai tea safe during pregnancy?

In India chai is the most favored beverage for the masses. Masala chai is the favorite chai tea in India. Masala chai is made up of various spices. It is fragrant and packed with flavor. It has a base of back tea which is made using a spice blend. If you consume chai tea in moderation. It is safe during pregnancy. It is important to know that chai tea contains some herbs and not all herbs are safe during pregnancy.


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The main constituent of chai tea is black tea. Ginger, cardamom, and pepper are important ingredients that provide spice and flavor to the tea. Cinnamon and fennel seed along with saffron, nutmeg, rose and almond is part of the spice blend. All these spices are consideredsafe during pregnancy, but some underlying conditions could cause unnecessary complications. Chai tea is made up of approximately 40-50 milligrams of caffeine in a cup. Consuming excess caffeine during pregnancy can result in miscarriage, and birth defects. The caffeine intake for a pregnant woman should not cross 150 milligrams a day. Various snacks contain caffeine as well. So, it is important to note the caffeine intake should be inclusive of all snacks as well as chai.


Indian tea during pregnancy

A large population in India enjoys a cup of chai. There is no limitation to the amount of chai intake during the day. It is had during breakfast lunch and evening snack time. Indian women are also part of the large population who enjoy chai. It is difficult to give up chai during pregnancy, especially if it’s part of your daily diet. Since the base of Indian tea is black tea, it is slightly worrisome. Black tea contains caffeine. Caffeine is known to cause complications during pregnancy. It is always a safe bet to consult with your doctor while consuming caffeine products during pregnancy. Caffeine is not only found in black tea. It is present is soft drinks, chocolate, and cake as well. Coffee has a stimulating effect on our minds and body. This effect is also experienced by the baby.

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An adult body has the necessary systems in place to eliminate the effects of caffeine quickly. A baby’s body is underdeveloped and the metabolism cannot deal with caffeine. The fetus is not equipped with the necessary enzymes needed to eliminate the side effects of caffeine. This causes the caffeine to remain in the body for a long time. Thus, the result of this could be stunted fetal growth, birth defects, and malformations. In worst-case scenarios, there could also be stillbirths and miscarriages. Hence, it is wise to consult a doctor when you are pregnant. They will help you monitor the caffeine intake and keep it within the acceptable limit. Chai-containing black tea is also a diuretic and causes severe water loss. Therefore, it is very important to stay hydrated. It is advised to have certain herbal teas during pregnancy to curb the need for chai.

  • Rooibus Chai: this is a zero-caffeine tea. It is rich in antioxidants. Minerals like zinc, magnesium are found in abundance here.
  • Ginger Tea: Pregnancy comes with drawbacks like nausea. Ginger tea is helpful to deal with it. Ginger tea soothes the throat and also helps ease morning sickness.
  • Peppermint Chai: It is a refreshing type of tea. Along with numerous health benefits, it helps curb morning sickness and nausea. It must be had in a controlled manner as it could cause menstruation.

    Cardamom tea during pregnancy

    Cardamom is a flavorful spice used a lot in Indian cuisine. It is used in curries, biryanis, and desserts as well. It can be used as a whole spice or it can be ground and used in a powdered form. Spices like cardamom are found naturally but not all spices are safe while conceiving. Spices are potent and can have an adverse effect on fetal growth during pregnancy. It is advised to consult with your doctor before consuming spices. There are two types of cardamom, green and black. Green cardamom is mildly flavorful while black has a lot of aromas. Green cardamom is used in desserts, while black cardamom is used in savory dishes, like biryani and garam masalas.


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    Ayurvedic medicine makes use of cardamom spice. Green and black cardamom are used in the making of ayurvedic medicines. These practices have been followed for centuries with no side effects. Thus, it is safe to say there are no side effects of cardamom during pregnancy. However, since it is a spice it should be taken in small quantities. In rare cases, cardamom has caused bleeding. This could result in miscarriages. If consumed in limited quantities cardamom has a couple of health benefits.

    • Helps fight nausea: Cardamom is used to fight nausea. It has the same effect as ginger. Mixing cardamom with ginger juice and lime is the perfect combination to curb nausea.
    • Helps defeat mood swings: Cardamom has a strong aroma and is used to relieve stress. Add cardamom to your tea to experience the wonderful effects.
    • Helps battle asthma: Cardamom relives the circulation of blood in the lungs. It also decreases the inflammation of mucus in the membrane. This helps fight the effects of asthma.

    Chai tea during pregnancy


    Chai tea is made using black tea as a base. It has been established that black tea has caffeine. Thus, consuming chai tea could cause pregnancy-related issues. Therefore, it is important to regulate the intake of caffeine. If the tea is light then approximately two cups are okay. Drinking chai is not an issue as long as it is done in moderation. Indian tea brands have the caffeine content listed on the tea packet. It is important to read this data and make a decision accordingly. Settle on having a tea during pregnancy in the wake of gauging all upsides and downsides. Your ailment, yet additionally your caffeine admission, taste, and inclination. Make sure to soak the tea gently and utilizing a gentle taste brand. Chai during pregnancy is protected as long as the utilization is directed, and the technique for getting ready is checked. Make the most of your Indian tea during pregnancy in moderate amounts. Here is a table with various caffeine quantities in popular beverages.

    Coffee and Tea Drinks (Coffee Shops)

    Serving Size

    Caffeine (mg)

    Starbucks Coffee, Dark Roast

    venti, 20 oz.


    Starbucks Coffee, Blonde Roast

    grande, 16 oz.


    Starbucks Coffee,Dark Roast

    grande, 16 oz.


    Dunkin’ Coffee

    large, 20 oz.


    Starbucks Caffè Americano

    grande, 16 oz.


    Dunkin’ Coffee

    medium, 14 oz.




    For certain ladies, chai tea's possible dangers during pregnancy might be more noteworthy. A lady conveying a high-hazard pregnancy might be in more danger of encountering preterm work after openness to anise seed. Obstetricians and birthing specialists for the most part prompt ladies with toxemia, or pregnancy-related hypertension, to keep away from any wellspring of caffeine. Charged chai tea is additionally an amazing diuretic and may cause liquid loss; this could prompt parchedness and ensuing preterm pregnancy. A few good judgment precautionary measures can forestall any risks related to chai tea. 

    Decaffeinated recipes can forestall any potential issues related to extreme caffeine utilization. In spite of the fact that follow measures of fennel and anise are viewed as protected with some restraint, it is reasonable to pick chai drinks that don't contain these chemical influencing spices. Examine any worries with your pre-birth medical services supplier, especially on the off chance that you have an ailment or a muddled pregnancy.

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