How to Prevent a UTI from Getting Worse: Tips and Tricks

Urinary Tract Infections, or UTIs, are something that anyone would rather avoid.

This is because they not only cause discomfort and pain, but they also make it hard to concentrate on your work and focus on everyday tasks.

Unfortunately, these unwelcome guests can become even more frustrating when they persist despite proper treatment, making work that much harder to get done as you have to fight off symptoms of pain and try to stay focused at the same time. 

The key to overcoming your recurring bladder pain is by developing a holistic treatment plan that addresses the root of your issue along with trying out some at-home strategies for pain relief until you see your doctor. (1)


Disappointed Workaholic Student Sleeeping on Desk Table in Living Room after Working Remote from Home 

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With that being said, this article will particularly focus on the causes and symptoms of UTIs, followed by how to spot the infection and how to prevent a UTI from getting worse.


1. Symptoms Of UTI (In Men And Women)

The urinary tract is a series of hollow organs, including the kidneys and bladder, which start at the kidneys, the ureters, muscular tubes that empty urine from the kidneys to the bladder and transport urine for excretion outside the body.

An infection in any part of this system is referred to as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). While UTIs are easily treatable with antibiotics, not treating them can lead to more serious complications down the road. (2)


Symptoms of UTI 

Image Credit: Cloudfront


These are some of the common symptoms of UTI(3)

  • Feeling discomfort or pain during urination
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • A bit cloudy urine
  • Cold or red-colored urine
  • Strong bad odor in Urine
  • Pressure or pelvic pain 

If by any chance, the UTI has gone worse and reached the kidneys, these are some of the symptoms that should show up:

  • Pain in sides and upper back
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea


UTI support tea made from Corn silk


2. The Causes And How To Spot The UTI Getting Worse Symptoms?

Many of the population have survived UTIs living in their bladder without ever knowing about it, but for sufferers or those at risk, it can be a devastating experience.

Many cases of UTI can be caused by sexual intercourse, so for those who are sexually active or have partners that are, it’s wise to get checked out after intimate contact.


Causes of UTI

Image Credit: Istockphoto


Those who feel they are prone to the root cause should also get checked if they ever notice symptoms such as burning when urinating or blood in their urine.

Some other causes include wearing tight clothing which tends to rub against sensitive areas leading to harmful bacteria being introduced into the infected area.

Another cause is having a catheter introduced as this may lead to infections more easily than conventional means such as body fluids touching our urinary systems. (5)


3. Can UTI Symptoms Get Worse?

Most women experience worsened symptoms at night or in the early morning because urination is their lowest at these times.

This makes it more likely for urine to build up and cause discomfort and pain in the bladder and worsen the existing symptoms, comprehensively. (2)


4. How to Prevent A UTI From Getting Worse?


What To Do

How It Will Help


Recommended not to have sex if any symptom is diagnosed.

UTIs, or urinary tract infections, can aggravate the symptoms of an already existing UTI.

So if you already have one, it is not a good idea to have sex.

Spermicides can increase discomfort since they can irritate, as well as not using latex condoms.

Hot Bath

A hot bath could make it worse.

Women who have experienced UTIs in the past shouldn't sit in hot tubs as these environments are likely to make the condition worse by leading to irritation and disruption of normal pH levels.

Abrupt changes in water temperature are also to be avoided because they can cause UTIs too.


Maintaining proper hygiene is extremely important.

You've probably heard the old saying that cleanliness is next to godliness.

The same can be said for feminine hygiene. If you want to prevent complications, always keep your private area clean if you're on your period!

One way to avoid infection is by changing your pad or tampon frequently throughout the day (or night).

Cranberry Juice

It will help alleviate the symptoms.

Most people have heard that cranberry juice is a natural remedy for UTIs. Not too many people have heard this, but it's not accurate.

Cranberry juice doesn't cure UTIs, but it can help alleviate symptoms such as burning while urinating and an urgent need to urinate without relief.

There is evidence that unsweetened cranberry juice may keep E. coli from adhering to the bladder wall and causing infections like cystitis and other types of UTI, including ones with no infection to blame for the symptoms.


Drinking 50 oz of water is important.

The BMJ journal suggests that an intake of at least 50 ounces of water a day can help to reduce the likelihood of experiencing a urinary tract infection.

According to recent research published in The BMJ, women who consumed at least this amount of water regularly saw their risk level drop by as much as 50%. (6)

5. How To Head-Off A UTI (Home Remedies)?

UTI treatment is similar to treating other illnesses. UTI can be a serious situation, as it can lead to other complications such as rare but serious kidney infections (pyelonephritis) - so it's wise to make sure you're always taking the best courses of action.

Oftentimes, there's no single cause for UTI, and the underlying root is found in one's flora.

Follow your doctor's orders for antibiotic treatments and try several home remedies along the way like: (7)


    Cranberry juice for UTI

    Image Credit: Unsplash


    6. How To Prevent UTIs?

    These are some natural ways to prevent UTI in elderly:

    • Drink water/fluids
    • Do not hold your pee
    • Wipe front to back to avoid bacteria getting into the bowels
    • Wash the private area before having sex
    • Pee before and after sex


    Corn silk tea for UTI



    7. Precautions And Medical Prompts

    When treating a UTI, follow your doctor's orders and read the medicine label. If you are uncertain about how to take the medicine, ask your pharmacist or doctor.

    Know that it is okay to stop taking antibiotics when you feel better, even if there is still some medicine left in the bottle. You should be certain of what drug(s) worked for you, as well as for your doctor's knowledge.

    Apart from all this, considering the following precautions might also help:


    8. To Conclude

    With all being said, most urinary tract infections resolve within a few days, between 1-2 weeks after the start of treatment.

    There is no strict deadline: some women feel completely better within a day and can stop treatment as soon as they feel well enough (this is sometimes known as 'completion of therapy'). (8)

    Others may feel generally unwell for a while longer, or they may not fully recover until several weeks after their symptoms began.

    If you do decide to stop your medicine before two weeks have passed (and preventative antibiotics were originally prescribed), it's important to discuss this with your doctor and understand the basics of the natural ways to prevent UTI in elderly primarily.

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