10 Health Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea - Herbal Hermit
Fertility and Pregnancy Blog

10 Health Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea


You might be wondering that drinking green tea every day is the only way to achieve your fitness. But the reality is herbal teas are the ones that will get your body to where it is supposed to be the ultimate healthy regime. Herbal teas are a proven source of providing benefits to your body without any fuss. 

red raspberry leaf tea

[Image Source: www.pexels.com ]

The first question shall be what is herbal tea? It is also known as ‘tisanes’ in some places. These are a type of beverage that is made from decoction or infusion of spices, herbs, or any part of a plant in hot water. The term put on its name is often used in contrast to true teas like black or green, which are made from the cured leaves of a tea plant. 

The daily value of nutrients a 100g of herbal tea can provide you-

Carbohydrates = 7 grams

Fat = 0.7 grams

Cholesterol = 0 mg

Sodium = 3 mg

Sugar = 6 grams

Dietary fibers = 0.3 grams

Potassium = 9 mg

Calories = 37 kcal

Protein = 0.4 mg

Some other important nutrient contents an herbal tea buyer ask about are displayed on the table below-

Vitamin A




Vitamin B-6




Vitamin C




Vitamin D




The best advantage of herbal tea is that it contains 0% caffeine! 

There are numerous reasons why caffeine should be avoided in our daily life as it puts stress on our health. Coffee is usually avoided by people seeking a low-calorie or zero-caffeine diet. Then there is green tea which also contains caffeine but in a very minimal quantity because of which it is safe to drink.

Herbal tea is made from fresh or dried flowers, roots, stems, fruits, and leaves of a plant. These parts are not dried or go under any curing. They are simply let to soak in hot water and infuse its beautiful properties in it making a calming beverage as a result. Some of the most consumed herbal options in the world are- 

  • Chamomile tea, consumed for its calming effects on the body and mind. It is known as a sleeping aid and a cure for insomnia.
  • Ginger tea, which is spicy and flavorful, contains healing properties. It stimulates the immune system and fights inflammation of any internal body part.
  • Peppermint tea, for its support in digestive tract health. It helps with nausea, morning sickness, indigestion, and stomach pain.
  • Echinacea tea, having minerals and is used for the common cold and to boost the immune system. 
  • Hibiscus tea, prepared with the colorful flowers of the hibiscus plant has a tart and refreshing taste. It has antiviral properties useful in viral fevers.
  • Rooibos tea, originating from South Africa and is made with leaves of the rooibos (red bush plant). It has medicinal properties and is an effective remedy for kidney stones and allergies.
  • Sage tea, having several health benefits, especially for brain-related diseases. Sage is a herb proven to help improve cognitive function in those who have Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Lemon balm tea, known to increase skin elasticity and provide antioxidants to detox.
  • Rosehip tea, high in vitamin C and proven to be good for reducing internal inflammation in people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 
  • Passionflower tea, prepared from flowers, stems, and leaves of the passionflower plant is traditionally used to improve sleep and relieve anxiety.

And lastly, comes our star tea “Raspberry Leaf Tea”. Modern science has proven the benefits of herbal teas and is in favor of raspberry tea as well.


What is raspberry leaf tea and from where it came?

Red raspberry (with scientific species name Rubus Idaeus) is a widely eaten, sweet, and tasty berry resembling an earthy rich black tea without any caffeine. It has been used as a source of medicinal remedy for centuries.

The red raspberry leaf is also known as garden raspberry leaf and is procured from the leaves of its deciduous red raspberry plant. This has been used by pregnant and postpartum women for many years. It is cultivated for its medicinal and culinary benefits. In the food industry, red raspberry fruit is directly eaten or is processed into jams and other food items. In the medicinal field, the astringent properties of the red raspberry leaf have been investigated in multiple scientific studies and theories. 

The leaves of red raspberry contain up to 10% iron along with many other vitamins and minerals becoming one of the most consumed drinks among everyone out of five pregnant women as a herbal tea. It is now one of the highest known plant sources for manganese-containing 14.6 mg per 100g of tea. 

Red raspberry leaves are cultivated in northern climates and are native to Northern Asia and Europe. It belongs to the Rose family of plants. It occurs at high altitudes in the mountains. The word ‘Idaeus’ refers to its belonging on Northwest Turkey’s Mount Ida; meaning ‘bramble (branch) bush of Ida’. The United States of America is the third-largest producer of red raspberries with most of the cultivation being based in Oregon, Washington, and California. Washington is the leading state in the entire United States nation for its production.


10 health benefits of raspberry leaf tea

[Image Source: www.pexels.com ]

Active constituents- 

Ellagitannins, Anthocyanidins, Alkaloids, Catechins, flavonols like Kaempferol and Quercetin, and phenolic acids. It might more or less have astringent too.

Flavor profile-

The herbal tea made from raspberry fruits tastes much different from one another. Although the common taste is like black tea, the difference between the fruit and leaf comes out noticeably. When the tea is infused with the fruit, it gives out a sweet, fruity, and juicy texture and sometimes a little acidic. While the tea infused with red raspberry leaf doesn’t give out this fruity texture. Rather it is earthy.


The first records of its domestication come from the writings of a Roman agricultural writer named Palladius in the 5th century. There is certain evidence showing that the early cavemen ate raspberries. There were seeds discovered in Roman forts in Britain too. Then it was said that red raspberries were discovered by the Olympian gods on Mount Ida in Northwest Turkey.

The leaf was traditionally used during ancient times to prepare the womb for childbirth, aid the pain of delivery, and help with lactation. Moreover, some farmers used red raspberry leaves for their pregnant goats. The women also used it for skin toning and tightening because of the presence of tannins in it. 

The chemicals in red raspberry have antioxidant effects and help in relaxing blood vessels. It causes the muscle to relax or contract according to dosage. This is the theory behind the benefits of red raspberry’s use in delivery and labor. The ancient Greek, Chinese, Romans, and Ayurvedic physicians used the leaf as a treatment for diarrhea and wounds. 

By medieval times, the use of red raspberries took a very different turn. Its juice was used in paintings and for illuminating manuscripts. Early Christian artwork showed the use of raspberries to symbolize kindness. It was said- the red juice invoked positive energy of the blood running from the heart and carries nutrition, kindness, and love throughout the body. King Edward the 1st (1272-1307) was the first to call upon the mass cultivation of red raspberries which ultimately spread through Europe. The red raspberry leaf was described in the book of The Herbal, or A General History of Plants by Jon Nortan, the Queen’s Printer in the year 1597.

By the end of the 17th century, British gardens were rich with berry bushes and by the 18th century, the cultivation of red raspberries was spread throughout Europe. When some European settlers came to America, they were astonished to find that the Native Americans were already utilizing and eating berries as they believed that raspberry leaves had protective powers at a very strong rate. Herbal teas made from raspberry leaves were given to women of Mohawk Nations, Cherokee, and Iroquois to soothe out labor pains, ease nausea, and ease contractions.

Even, the leaves and fruits of the plant were transported across the states in dried preserved form. It was a big part of the colonization era. Since then the uses of its leaves have evolved. People started using it for blood purification, skincare regime, heavy periods, soothe sunburn, eczema, rashes, morning sickness, painful periods, miscarriage prevention, and so on. Swishing with an infusion or tincture of the raspberry leaf had been thought to relieve sore throats and gums. It can help to alleviate the symptoms of gum diseases like gingivitis. European people use it as a natural flavoring in food preparations. 


Can raspberry leaves be preserved?

Yes, the leaves of the red raspberry plant can be preserved. And not only the leaf, but other parts like fruits too. It is often left to dry out in the sun. It is a technique adopted from ancient techniques of preservation. Till today, it proves to be an effective method for transporting the red raspberry from one place to another without any damage or rotting. 


How to prepare the red raspberry tea?

10 Amazing benefits of raspberry leaf tea

[Image Source: www.unsplash.com ]

Red raspberry is a very economical plant. The fruits and leaves can be used in both fresh and dried forms. Dried raspberries are usually used in tea blends available in the market. While one can grow the raspberry plant or buy from a fresh market to prepare the herbal tea with fresh leaves and fruits making a pure version of the tea. 

Preparation of one cup:

  • Take 1 tbsp of dried leaves or 3-4 natural leaves.
  • Bring water to a boil and let it cool down for some seconds.
  • Add the leaves and let them infuse for 5 minutes.
  • Strain it and pour it into a cup.
  • If you need, you can add sweeteners like sugar or honey to the tea. 
  • There you go! Enjoy this wonderfully refreshing drink for better health.

Brewing tips:

Making a perfect cup of tea is an art as some say. It takes more than just simply steeping tea leaves in hot boiling water in a pan. It takes the choice of utensil, water, and especially your mood to make a healthy and tasty tea. 

  1. The choice of water

Water puts a big impact on the flavor, body, color, and smell of your tea. For example, if one uses distilled water, the tea may taste too flat to drink. And on the other hand, if tap water is being used it may give a little bit of muddy taste to the tea. Even a slight change in the quality of water can make a big difference. You might notice that the same tea tastes different in different countries or states. It is because of the water quality. Fresh spring water is known to be the best option to prepare herbal teas. It enhances the taste of red raspberry leaves. 

  1. Boiled water

Using freshly boiled water provides a refreshment factor. Never make tea from water boiled more than once. Re-boiling water can result in flat-tasting tea as well.

  1. Steeping with fresh part of the plant

Adding fresh leaves or raspberries while steeping adds a strong flavor and a juicy or earthy note to the tea which makes up your delicious cup.

  1. Not leaving the infuser in the mug for long

Always make sure that the infuser is not left in the tea for too long. The herbal ingredients can become too strong and bitter. Keep a tab on the brewing and steeping timings. 

Making tincture from the red raspberry plant-

Practical Herbalists states that raspberry is one of the few herbs that can be processed from dry leaves. It could be made into a tincture by adding the leaves to brandy.   

What amount should be a safe dosage?

The appropriate amount in which red raspberry should be consumed depends on several factors such as the user's health, any illness whatsoever, age, etc. There is no scientific research on how much one should intake red raspberry at a maximum but it was always wise to consult your physician or nutritionist regarding this. If we talk about having red raspberry leaf tea, having two or three cups each day is all right. But again, this dosage will also depend upon one’s health. 

Red raspberry leaf is consumed in numerous ways. There are medicinal capsules or tablets available at drug stores. Red raspberry teas are available in supermarkets and on online shopping platforms. There are tinctures available too. The cosmetic industry is in the progress of expanding it in the form of serums and more.

One ounce (28 grams) of red raspberry leaves contains 3.3 mg of iron. This is 18% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) in women aged from 19 years to 50 years. It is enough iron to combat anemia which is often experienced by women having a heavy menstrual cycle.

Are there any side effects?

Red raspberry fruits are possibly safe for people when directly eaten from the mouth. There have not been any possible side effects noted from any consumers. Except when someone is suffering from a disease and is pregnant. 

Read More: What Are Common Side Effects Of Raspberry Leaf Tea?

Even though red raspberry serves the purpose of nutrition, there are some cases where it should be avoided. If you are pregnant with a health condition, you should always consult your doctor about not only raspberry consumption but also any kind of food item. 

Diabetes: If you have serious diabetes, make sure you are not consuming raspberry as it might lower blood sugar levels

Hormone-sensitive conditions: If someone is suffering from a serious condition that is hormone-related like ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or breast cancer, or breast cancer, make sure to not intake raspberry in any form. It might act like estrogen and act as an agent to worsen your situation. 

Pregnancy-related: Many midwives reported that using raspberry gave some complications in women who had some underlying disease during their pregnancy, including nausea, prolonged uterine contractions, vomiting, and early labor. 

Other than this, according to NHS, you should avoid taking red raspberry leaf tea if:

There was some vaginal bleeding during the second half of your pregnancy.

  • You are planning on having a cesarean section.
  • Your previous labor was nearly for three hours.
  • You’ve had a cesarean before.
  • Your last delivery was premature labor.
  • There is a history of personal or family history of breast or ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or fibroids.
  • You are expecting twins currently.
  • There is a chance of breech birth.

There were some trials based on the notion of side effects. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial took place at a large tertiary-level hospital in Sydney, Australia consisting of 192 low-risk nulliparous women who birthed babies between May 1999 and February 2000. After taking red raspberry leaf in tablet form for 32 weeks until labor, there were no adverse effects on the baby or the mother. 

There is always some precautionary advice given to pregnant women by their doctors and midwives. It is advisable to always start with one cup to see if it suits you well. The consumption could increase to 2 cups daily. But, it should not be taken in a much greater amount just for sake of inducing labor forcefully. 

What are the properties of red raspberry leaf tea?

The basic properties a red raspberry plants holds are-

  • Provides key minerals and nutrients for a healthy life.
  • Gives relief from pains caused due to many reasons.
  • Fights the negative complications of pregnancy and labor.
  • Strengthens the muscles.
  • Helps with digestive ailments.
  • Shows effectiveness in helping out with menstrual discomforts.

Nutritional facts that you will find at the back of any red raspberry leaf tea box-




0 grams


0 grams


0 grams


0 mg



10 Amazing benefits of raspberry leaf tea

  1. Good source of antioxidants and nutrients

Good nutrition matters a lot for the human body. It needs proper maintenance with healthy dietary options that provide the basic strength; especially when nowadays there is minimal attention given to this and more junk food is being consumed. Many of the world’s population has become illness-prone. As it is said, “Prevention is better than cure” you should start from level zero and get a nutrition-packed diet with red raspberry leaves.

They provide several minerals, vitamin C, and all of the B vitamins. It has iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Their most notable contribution to one’s health is their antioxidants. In addition to all this, the leaves contain small amounts of ellagic acids which helps in neutralizing carcinogens and also results in the self-destruction of cancer cells. There is more research yet to be done on this topic but it has proven itself effective in some studies. 

  1. Weight Loss

Red raspberry leaf is recommended for fat loss as it increases metabolism to melt away the fat and promote weight loss. Ketone supplements are known to do so effectively. It is a detoxifying supplement for overall health and to improve body composition. Many want to decrease their weight for many reasons. Talking about conceiving a baby, a woman needs to be on an appropriate weight scale to support herself and the baby. Because a baby needs nutrition to grow inside the womb as well. In some cases, obesity can cause complications in pregnancy too. But, the only thing resurfacing on the diet schedule is the taste. If the taste of the diet food isn’t good, it is usually observed that people leave everything and feel demotivated. Raspberries being so sweet are helpful in this case. As it is a filling, low-calorie option, a lot of fitness enthusiasts drink its tea to feel energetic. It satisfies the nutrition intake. Even one cup of red raspberry leaf tea can do the magic. 

  1. May stimulate fertility

According to The Everything Fertility Book, a red raspberry leaf tea is believed to be a uterine tonic. It could ‘tone’ your uterus to get ready for pregnancy. It was said in earlier times that women are known to conceive fast if they have a toned-up uterus. Some also consume it to regulate the hormonal balance in their bodies as it will increase the chances of fertility. The old-fashioned faiths might seem a bit bizarre to hear but there is always a truth and scientific reason behind a norm that has been carried out for hundreds of years. Women who are looking to improve their reproductive health should have red raspberry leaf tea in their diet. 

  1. Healing digestive ailments

Red raspberry leaves have become a known herb to heal digestive problems. It is best for its anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces and soothes internal inflammations caused due to diseases like IBS or IBD. Switching to this herbal tea has provided comfort during the burning sensations in the stomach because of an ulcer or even from an increased intake of spicy food. The high content of tannin content which makes it an astringent herb is effective in symptomatic treatment for mild diarrhea. The leaves help to reduce bloating caused by indigestion or gastric issues. Pregnant women and other people also who have such digestive problems consume red raspberry leaf tea daily. 

Red raspberries have laxative properties. Drinking the tea prepared from the leaves of the red raspberry plant helps in reducing constipation as it regulates the digestive cycle. 

  1. Cramping

No matter what kind of cramp it is- premenstrual, menstrual or postmenstrual, red raspberry leaf tea seems to be helping with all. It has properties to ease pain easily which is why many women switch to it. Around 20% of women have very discomforting and painful menstrual cramps. It may start 3 days prior or stay for 2 to 3 days during the period too. When the cramps are accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, constipation or loose motions, vomiting, and so on, it is usually referred to as dysmenorrhea in medical terms. The secondary dysmenorrhea proves to disturb the maximum of these percentiles of women. Even teenagers who are now experiencing the same nowadays. Regular check-ups and consultations with gynecologists help out. It is also said that the use of any herbal remedies including the consumption of red raspberry leaf tea should be consulted with the doctor. Some women experience mild cramping and don’t require seeking medical help from gynecologists. Even they drink the tea for its health benefits and soothing properties. 

  1. Used in pregnancy

A case study was done among 600 pregnant women to evaluate the use of herbal remedies. It showed that around 52% of the women regularly used some of the other herbal remedies while 63% of those pregnant women drink red raspberry leaf tea. Even many midwives have reported the effective use of this herbal tea.

(i) Induction of Labor

American College of Nurse-Midwives conducted a survey study showing that 63% of the certified midwives (CNM) use the red raspberry leaf as an herbal supplement to induce labor in pregnant women. The reason behind this is that raspberry is a natural alternative to Pitocin. 

(ii) Shortening of labor

The fraganine compound found in the leaves as mentioned above helps in the pelvic area. It also works on the uterine walls helping with an easier delivery. It happens as the labor is shortened. In a study of 108 women, it was shown that the ones who consumed red raspberry leaf tea during their last trimester had a shorter first stage of labor. When this particular study was repeated a year apart with 192 women, that the herbal tea made from red raspberry leaf also shortened the second stage of labor by an average of 9.59 minutes. 

  1. Lactation Support

The leaf of red raspberry is a traditional remedy for boosting milk production in women who are lactating. It causes no harm to breast milk until a mother is consuming it at an unreasonable amount. As said for any kind of food item, when consumed in larger amounts it can cause harm.


  1. Reduction in complications and interventions during childbirth

The properties in red raspberry leaf help the women in labor to have fewer complications. It was studied that the pregnant women who used to have a regular schedule of consumption of the red raspberry leaf herbal tea had reduced their chances of the use of forceps and other kinds of intervention. It has also been proven that the likelihood of pre-and post-term labor occurring was reduced. 

Similarly, there was an 11% decrease in the use of forceps during childbirth in women who drank the same herbal tea in the past eight weeks of their pregnancy. Even the American Pregnancy Association states that drinking herbal tea may reduce the need for such interventions when giving birth to babies. 

There has been a great amount of talk on how uterus tightening with red raspberry leaf tea can help prevent miscarriages.

  1. Prevention of postpartum complications

Having easy labor ultimately results in the prevention of bleeding after childbirth. Postpartum has been known to trouble new mothers in many ways. Multiple complications are ranging from little to life-threatening ones affecting both mentally and physically. Women having an underlying disease are much more prone to these complications after birthing. 

Such as-

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Inability to lactate
  • Blockage in pulmonary and vascular tract
  • Hemorrhages
  • High blood pressure
  • Amniotic fluid embolism, etc.

So, it is often noticed that the women who maintain a healthy routine with a good nutritious diet and regular physical activities during pregnancy faced no trouble. They had a very beautiful birthing experience. The mothers who drank red raspberry leaf tea experienced this with a stable mind and body. As said, the leaf provides a calming effect and soothes out the pain, the women in labor had very fewer chances of having postpartum complications.

Yes, bleeding is normal during and after childbirth. But sometimes it is more than just a normal result of childbirth. How do you know you are experiencing abnormal postpartum bleeding?

  • You are using more than one pad an hour. 
  • The pad is soaking the bleeding too fast.
  • There are blood clots.
  • A swollen or red leg is becoming painful to touch and warm as well.
  • You have a headache that is going nowhere.
  • A temperature of 100.4 F (38 degrees Celsius) or higher
  • There are some changes in the vision. 

If you are experiencing any of this you should contact your doctor immediately. There might be an incision that isn’t healing or maybe something even more serious. And as a mother, your health matters as much as the health of your newborn baby does. 

  1. Other benefits

Immune symptoms: A research in 2016 shows that the antioxidant activity in red raspberry is much stronger than that found in the blackberry leaves. The vitamin C found in raspberry leaves helps in enhancing the functioning of the immune system. It also stimulates the production of white blood cells in the body.

Calms the skin: The leaves help in treating chronic skin conditions. The high content of vitamin E and C with antioxidants soothes skin inflammation and irritability. 


More advantages include-

Reduction in cold and flu symptoms, acne, obesity, psoriasis, anti-aging, high blood pressure, depression, stress, anxiety, and aching joints. 


Benefits for women: For the women, by the women.

For the women

It is usually referred to as ‘woman’s herb’. Many say that it is the herb for only pregnant women but the truth is that red raspberry leaf is a known remedy for all types of issues a woman faces. It helps with problems associated with menstruation too. The leaves contain fraganine, a plant compound that helps in toning and tightening up the muscles of the pelvic region. It reduces menstrual crampings caused by vigorous spasms of the pelvic muscles. 

Labor and Birth

Red raspberry is perhaps the most historically known herbal uterine tonic. It is used by women during their pregnancy term to improve labor outcome, strengthen the uterus, and prevent excessive bleeding after the birthing. Numerous studies have been done between the mothers and midwives as well. The uses of the red raspberry leaf tea were varied based on the type of usage and the consumers. Although some might think it is just a usual herbal tea and does not make much effect in daily life now modern science is leaning towards this topic and has proven the benefits. Recent researches have found red raspberry leaf tea to be improving the labor outcome and reducing the need for medical interventions. 

[Image Source: www.pexels.com ]


Women who have dysmenorrhea, PCOS, menstrual cramps, PMS, and other symptoms of complications in their menstrual cycle are recommended to try red raspberry leaf tea. Thrones who drink 1-2 cups of this herbal tea have shown progress in their cycles. There have been noticeable changes. The red raspberry leaf tea helps with decreasing the bloating, reducing the soreness in breasts, while it targets the unbearable cramps too. It even cures the heavy symptoms of PMS and provides ease during the days of the period. The bleeding is also regulated profoundly and there is no under-or over- bleeding. 

To what extent can red raspberry leaf tea be recommended?

It is a clear fact that natural ways of helping out an ailing body are the safest way. It surely does take time to achieve the benefits from a specific natural ingredient compared to modern medications. Allopathy medications surely serve the purpose of fast healing but it is for as long as you are taking them. But, a natural remedy won’t do that. It will let the positive effects stay with you even when you stop taking them. 

This is why red raspberry leaf tea is a herbal solution to many problems associated with a woman's body especially. No matter what you are facing, it will help you out. And it will also help you achieve a healthy goal you have been planning out. The benefits are numerous and widely known in the medicinal industry. For hundreds of years, it brings its history with its evolving uses gathering them on each step. 

Red raspberry leaf tea is your best friend and there is certainly no harm in trying out a new way to have that peace of mind within yourself that you had been craving for. What’s better than a packed cup of nutrition with such a nice taste- nothing whatsoever. If any of these benefits listed above is what you have been looking for, then it is your time to include red raspberry leaf tea in your routine from now on.

What is Raspberry Leaf Tea Good For?
Does Raspberry Leaf Tea Have Caffeine?