3 Herbs You Should Add to Your Diet for a Healthy Pregnancy - Herbal Hermit
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3 Herbs You Should Add to Your Diet for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a crucial time in your life, which is why taking care of your well-being is essential. At present, more and more women are choosing natural and complementary medicines to support their child’s health and their own. 

One of the effective natural supplements you can incorporate into your diet when you’re expecting is herbs. When prepared properly, they can boost your immune system, protect your heart, minimize your risk of cancer, ease your morning sickness, and even potentially shorten your labor. Here are some safe and effective herbs you can try for a healthy pregnancy:


Red raspberry leaf 

Red raspberry leaves support healthy pregnancy by toning your uterus and preparing your body for childbirth for an easier labor. It contains fragrine that tones the muscles of your pelvic region and the uterus, which helps prevent miscarriages and hemorrhage. In addition, it has vitamins C and E, calcium, and iron that can relieve your nausea, stomach distress, and morning sickness throughout your pregnancy.

This herb has high mineral content that supports the toning and repositioning of your uterus and the production of healthy breast milk. Therefore, it makes a great postpartum herb.

If you’re looking for a women's pregnancy and fertility tea made of red raspberry leaves, feel free to shop at our store. Our completely organic supplement has no side effects or added preservatives. This fertility tea has other natural ingredients, such as chaste berry, lemon verbena, linden flower and leaf, nettle leaf, cinnamon, lemon peel, squaw vine herb, and stevia.


Milky oat tops 

Milky oat tops are considered an important part of the prenatal diet that acts as a nourishing tonic and normalizes your entire physiology, which is vital during pregnancy when there are major changes in your body. It contains vitamins A, B, C, and E and the minerals calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium.

You can use this herb during pregnancy to make oat milk or take oat grain baths or a soothing facial. It has nourishing, relaxing, and moisturizing properties that can help ease your anxiety, stress, exhaustion, and fear.


Nettle leaf 

Nettle is an effective kidney tonic and diuretic that is known to have more chlorophyll than any other herb. When you’re expecting, you have to process one and a half times more than your normal blood supply through your kidneys. Consuming this herb provides you with additional iron to produce extra blood to support your growing baby. 

We supply women with nettle leaf tea that helps reduce menstrual cramps, regulating a proper menstrual cycle, and reducing PMS symptoms. This herb also has high magnesium content and calcium that relieves your leg cramps and spasms and alleviates your pain during and after childbirth. To prepare this tea, all you need to do is to boil some water, add one teabag of nettle leaves, steep the tea according to your preference, and add honey and lemon.



Pregnancy requires you to take better care of your health, and one way to do that is to add herbs that are listed in this guide to your diet. You can turn these herbs into a comforting cup of tea to boost your overall well-being, keep your child healthy, and have a safe and problem-free pregnancy.

Aside from tea for pregnancy, we offer colon cleansing tea and other products made of natural ingredients that can allow you to enjoy a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. All our items are available in the US. Order now!

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