What is the best herbal tea for nausea during pregnancy? - HerbalHermit USA
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What is the best herbal tea for nausea during pregnancy?

The news of pregnancy is a dream come true for every mother but at the same time happens to be the most delicate stage where it is essential for the mother to take care of her own health in every possible manner so that her baby receives all sorts of possible nourishment from the mother and grows up to be healthy.  

During this time, it is very important to get all the correct nutrients and make sure to intake enough fluids to maintain proper hydration of the body. However, women often complain that during their pregnancies, they fail to eat certain types of food or their body just refuses to drink certain types of fluids. 

In such cases, one great option for women to consider during their pregnancy is pregnancy safe teas. These types of teas are a great source of vitamins and minerals and at the same time helps to maintain the fluid balance of the body if they can be consumed in small amounts regularly.  Studies  have shown that ginger tea has incredible benefits and can help treat nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy.

What is the best herbal tea for nausea during pregnancy?

Image source - www.unsplash.com 


Different types of tea 

There are different types of tea that are available for different purposes and have different tastes and characteristics. Tea mainly comes from a plant which is known as Camellia sinensis. The main difference between these types of teas is understood by observing how each type of tea leaves is processed. A small table below will explain clearly what are the different types of teas. 

Sl no. 

Name of the tea 

Plant obtained from 

Herbal or Non-Herbal


Oolong Tea

Camelia Sinensis



Black Tea

Camelia Sinensis



Green Tea

Camelia Sinensis



White Tea

Camelia Sinensis



Red tea or Rooibos tea

Aspalathus Linearis plant


How are pregnancy-safe teas helpful?

Image source - www.unsplash.com 

 How are pregnancy-safe teas helpful? 

Pregnancy safe teas are helpful and beneficial for various reasons, which are clearly mentioned and explain in the pointers below:- 

  • The habit of drinking tea is usually considered to be a safe habit even during pregnancy, both in hot and cold states, as tea has a lot of health benefits that prove to be good for a pregnant mother. 

  • When it comes to tea, this kind of tea contains much lower amounts of caffeine than coffee. The amount of caffeine in these types of teas is almost half of what is present in a cup of coffee. But when one considers pregnancy-safe teas or herbal teas, this type of teas almost has zero amount of caffeine and are absolutely perfect for pregnant mothers. 

  • During pregnancy, it is vital to maintain the fluid balance of the body by consuming enough quantities of fluids. It might get hectic for a pregnant mother to keep drinking water. Instead of water, herbal tea is a great option because it contains a good amount of vitamins and minerals and provides sufficient fluid to the body if drunk regularly.

pregnancy-safe teas

Image source - www.unsplash.com 

Benefits of herbal tea or redbush tea

Herbal tea or red bush tea is extremely beneficial for pregnant mothers not only because they provide Enough amount of fluid if drunk regularly but also they are very rich in certain types of vitamins and minerals, which are very important for mothers during pregnancy. Below mentioned is a list of nutrients that these types of herbal teas offer:-

  1. Antioxidants 
  2. Iron
  3. Potassium 
  4. Copper
  5. Zinc 
  6. Magnesium 
  7. Calcium 

    Anti-nausea tea for pregnancy 

    Nausea or morning sickness is a very common complaint by pregnant mothers during the first few weeks of their pregnancy. Some mothers feel that it is a major problem for them, whereas other mothers may not feel this at all. The commonly known reason for nausea or morning sickness during pregnancy is the sudden rise in hormones in the body of the pregnant mother. 

    It is also believed that pregnant mothers have a stronger sense of smell, due to which often they might experience nausea and even vomiting during the first few weeks of their pregnancy. There are many home remedies available to cure or at least soothe nausea and morning sickness for pregnant mothers, but one of the best ways to neutralize nausea is to drink herbal tea during pregnancy. Herbal tea provides an added touch of taste and flavor and, at the same time, utilizes the body fluids giving a soothing effect to the mother. 

    Benefits of herbal tea or redbush tea Anti Nausea

    Image source - www.pexels.com 

    Symptoms of morning sickness or nausea during pregnancy 

    •   During the early weeks of pregnancy,  the mother might feel a slight sense of dizziness or nausea just after getting up in the morning or might also experience car sickness during any time of the day.

    • The pregnant mother might also experience queasiness which happens to be a very common symptom and can actually occur at any time of the day.

    • It is a known fact that pregnant mothers have a stronger sense of smell. During the days of pregnancy, this might create strong aversions to certain types of food, which might also result in nausea and vomiting. 

    • Another common symptom of nausea or morning sickness is sick and dizzy feeling which will immediately be followed by hunger.

    • During pregnancy, women can also feel nauseated immediately after having a meal which is another sign of morning sickness. 

    • Sometimes the nausea is so intense that it can also lead to severe vomiting.

    Best herbal tea for pregnancy nausea 

    The best solution to give relief or a soothing effect to a woman who is feeling nauseated during her pregnancy is to make her drink a warm cup of tea.  Different types of tea  offer different nutrients and flavors, which definitely helps to control nausea and provides a calming effect to the stomach. Listed below are types of different teas that, if consumed, shall definitely provide a calming effect while a pregnant woman is experiencing nausea. 

    1.] Ginger Tea - Ginger tea is one of the best available herbal tea, which is made up from the roots of ginger. Ginger root has many medicinal properties and has been used to cure nausea for many years now. While drinking ginger tea, one can also add ingredients like lemon, cinnamon, or honey to add that extra flavor of delight to the tea. 

    2.] Chamomile Tea - Chamomile tea is another famous type of herbal tea, which is usually made from a specific type of earthy flower, which generally has a sweet taste. This tea is known to have incredible health properties, one of which is it relaxes the digestive muscles. Thus this type of tea is very beneficial for people who are suffering from nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness. 

    3.] Honey Lemon Tea - Honey lemon tea is another prevalent type of herbal tea that offers a refreshing flavor and certainly provides a soothing effect. This type of tea is commonly prescribed to cure nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy. 

    4.] Fennel Tea -This type of tea comes from an aromatic herb similar to vegetables like celery and carrot. This particular hard has been used for its medicinal properties to cure problems like stomach ache and constipation. Fennel tea is an excellent solution for nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy. 

    5.] Peppermint Tea - Peppermint tea is another popular type of herbal tea that has been used to treat nausea for a very long time. It is an excellent solution for morning sickness during pregnancy. 

    6.] Licorice Tea - This type of tea comes from the licorice herb, which has a very typical sweet, bitter kind of taste. This particular herb is known to be a traditional medicine that is generally used to cure stomach distress. This type of the is also an excellent solution for morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy.

    Best teas during pregnancy 

    Sl no. 

    Name of the tea




    Red Raspberry Leaf tea


    Tones the uterus muscles for better contractions during labor. 


    Dandelion Tea


    Provides a good amount of vitamin A, calcium, iron, and potassium. 


    Cucumber Peppermint Tea


    Gives a calming and soothing effect to the stomach and the nervous system. 

    How to make tea for morning sickness during pregnancy 

    Most herbal teas, if drunk during pregnancy, give a soothing effect to the tummy and help in controlling nausea and morning sickness. Some of the best types of teas which can be drunk to control nausea and morning sickness are ginger tea, chamomile tea, honey lemon tea, fennel tea, peppermint tea, and licorice tea. The benefits of all these types of teas have been discussed in the pointers above, along with other types of these which can be drunk during pregnancy. However, one of the easiest recipes to cure morning sickness during pregnancy can be made out of just three ingredients which are as follows:-

    1.] Ginger

    2.] Lemon 

    3.] Mint 

    Image from - www.pexels.com

    Steps for making the tea:- 

    • Add ginger roots and mint leaves along with any herbal tea leaf to water and bring it to boil. 
    • Let the ingredients boil in water for about fifteen to twenty minutes. 
    • Once the tea is prepared, add a spoon full of lemon juice to it. 
    • Add a spoonful of honey to sweeten the tea, as honey also helps in reducing heartburn during pregnancy. Enjoy the warm tea with a slice of lemon in it. 
    Which tea you should not drink during pregnancy ?