Kidney Cleanse

A Simple Guide On Eating Disorders And Kidney Problems

Keeping our kidneys healthy is the need of the hour. These bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine are responsible for filtering waste products from our bodies. 

As we age our kidneys perform less well, but there are other reasons too why our kidneys are not at their best version.

Some of the most common reasons are eating disorders, diabetes, and blood pressure. (1)

1. What are eating disorders: Can Eating disorders cause kidney problems?

When your eating behavior is concerned with distressing thoughts and emotions then your kidney suffers the most. This is known as eating disorders. (2)

The two most common eating disorders that are connected with kidney damage are Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. (3)

So if you’re exploring the internet with the question “can eating disorders cause kidney problems”? then the answer is a resounding yes.

Recommended reading: How to avoid kidney problems?


Can eating disorders cause kidney pain

Image source: Advenium


2. Is the condition of Anorexia Nervosa harmful to my kidney?

Before deep-diving directly into the question, let’s have a clear understating of what it is first.

According to medical science, anorexia is a medical condition where a person losses their appetite. This happens when people try to lose weight extremely fast without having any food. (4)

So if you wondering with the thought “can anorexia cause kidney problems”? The straight answer is yes. When you have an eating disorder like anorexia, then your kidney is affected in several ways. 

Some of them are listed as follows:

  • Your kidneys are prone to chronic kidney disease
  • High chances of acute kidney injury
  • Your body starts showing electrolyte abnormalities
  • Getting Nephrolithiasis (5)

In such cases you should gradually work on trying to improve your kidney health before it’s too late. If you’re looking for new and healthier recipes, try starting with small lifestyle changes such as consuming a detox tea. 

Recommended reading: Tea for liver and kidney health


Eating disorder

Image source: Very well mind


3. Signs of the disorder

For anorexia nervosa, the signs are divided into two types. One is known as emotional symptoms and the other is known as the behavioral systems. Let’s analyze both of them in detail for better understanding:

Emotional disorder signs

  • Having only food that is low in calories and fat.
  • Not meeting anyone to avoid watering in public.
  • Cooking meals for others but eating them.
  • Complain about being fat all the time.


Behavioral systems signs

  • Vomiting purposely to throw out the food that is eaten
  • Exercising to much
  • Stopping all food intake through the excuse of dieting and faster


When to seek help?

If you notice any of these signs in you or your loved one. It's time you seek a doctor for treating this disorder. Maintaining a healthy body is appreciated but do not let a be a mental disorder and get obsessed with it. 

Excessive starvation can lead to the formation of gas and then ultimately might cause pain in the kidney as well. If you’re experiencing kidney pain, it’s probably because of gas. Try reading: Can gas cause kidney pain?


When to seek help

Image source: Drops of ink


4. Bulimia for Kidneys: Does bulimia cause kidney problems?

This life-threatening eating disorder where a person intakes large amounts of unhealthy food and then shreds the extra calories in an unhealthy way is called Bulimia Nervosa. (6)

Unhealthy ways of shredding calories can be done through weight loss supplements, fasting for straight 3 days, vomiting on purpose, and doing excessive.


Can bulimia cause kidney damage?

Bulimia nervosa can cause serious damage to your kidney if you ignore the signs. We will list all the available symptoms below so that you can take the action as soon as possible. Some of the most noticed symptoms of this disorder are:

  • Always living in the fear of gaining weight.
  • Obsessed with body shape and size.
  • Canceling any plans that involve eating outside.
  • Use of enemas, diuretics, and laxatives when they are not needed.
  • Using dietary supplants to lose weight.


When to seek a doctor?

If you are not ready to speak to a mental practioner then seek help from your loved one.
Confiding in someone that will listen to your problems will treat this disorder seamlessly. You can talk to your friend or your family.


When to seek a doctor

Image source: Hello Post


5. What are some of the risk factors for these disorders?

Both these eating disorders occur in both men and women.
They seem to appear in early adulthood and late teens. Some of the most common risk factors are

  • History of overweight: People who have been born overweight or unable to lose weight due to genetic links have this disorder.

  • Emotionally venerable: People who have been initially abused in their life can have this disorder.

  • Obsession: Watching pictures of models or celebrities having a perfect body and then implementing them on themselves.

Risk factors of these disorders

Image source: Healthline


6. Final thought

The information that we have presented above is done to make you aware of yourself. Knowing this will make you self-judge yourself or you may think of someone who might be a victim of this disorder.  Don’t shy away from seeking help.

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