Liver Detox

Detox your liver in just 3 days: A 3-day Liver Detox Plan

Wondering why you are unable to lose fat? A toxic liver might be the reason. We’ll tell you why.

The liver is one of the most important organs in your body. It is also responsible for production of the bile juice which breaks down the fat in your system.

A toxic liver can project a lot of symptoms. It can range from a loss of appetite to nausea and vomiting. 

In such cases a liver cleanse is necessary. What’s more? It can be done in just 3 days. This is also called a 3-day Liver Cleanse.

Let’s learn more about liver cleansing and how it can be done within 3 days. If you’re just starting out on liver cleansing, we recommend you read the entire article. 


1. What is Liver Cleanse?

You must be wondering - the liver in itself is a detoxifying organ. Does it require external help in cleansing itself? We’ll answer that question for you. 

A liver cleanse is the process of detoxifying your liver through various means majorly food, habits and diet plans.
A liver cleanse usually involves taking essential supplements and foods that usually improve your liver health. Learn how. 

  1. Using external help (Supplements and Boosters) to eliminate harmful toxins
  2. Consuming foods that are liver-friendly
  3. Avoiding foods that are harmful to your liver
  4. Following liver cleansing plans (more on this later)

Why is it important to cleanse your liver? Many experts believe that the liver accumulates harmful toxins and sometimes fat over time.

Such accumulations will eventually project symptoms which might show after it’s too late. A regular self-check on your liver health never does any harm. 


Liver cleanse

Image source: Vashon Beachcomber


2. Different Types of Liver Cleanses 

Not all bodies work the same way.

Few might be effective in reacting to liver cleanse plans and few might work their way through it gradually but eventually. There are different liver cleanse plans available for you. 

  1. 3-Day Liver Cleanse Plan
  2. 7-Day Liver Cleanse Plan 
  3. 9-Day Liver Cleanse Plan
  4. 21-Day Liver Cleanse Plan 

Most of these plans contain various diet plans and charts to carefully map out your food and drink habits over a period of time.

Some might even suggest physical activities for you which will help boost your metabolism. The idea is to follow every ideal method possible to improve overall liver health. 

The 3-day Liver Cleanse plan is one of the most effective and the quickest plan to detox your liver.
A 3-day liver cleanse diet packed with anti-inflammatory foods, smoothies, liver cleanse juices and teas will work wonders for your liver. 

Image source: First Response Healthcare


3. 3-day Liver Cleanse: All about it 

Few things to keep in mind before starting your 3-day Liver Cleanse plan: Spend some time and observe your diet and activity habits (And write it down preferably). Notice where you’re excessively consuming

a. Caffeine
b. Sugars
c. Cocoa/ Chocolate. 


Choose which ones you want to cut down on while following the 3-day liver cleanse plan. It is important to replace those with healthier options.

The idea is to avoid forming a void while cutting down on your unhealthy foods. 

Throughout the 3-days, pick your favorite food options which contain whole grains, nuts, fruits or vegetables.

We’ll dig into this ahead in detail in ‘Foods to Add’. If you’re a non-vegetarian, try to avoid meat for these 3 days.

Overall, try to cut down on grains and beans to move towards vegetables and fruit based diet options. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the 3 days. (1) 

Pro tip: Add in a pinch of lemon juice to your water to make it extra refreshing and nourishing for you. 

Day 1


Start your day with the lemon water mentioned above. As a part of your solid diet, add in cooked quinoa diced in with flaxseed oil. 

Add nuts, seeds, and unsweetened dry fruits to your plate as well. 

If you’re habitual to eating desserts after breakfast, we recommend having non-flavored yogurt as a replacement. 


For lunch, add in apples, cucumbers, kale leaves, and a handful of parsley. You can also consider an alternative meal with 

Carrot Ginger Soup with sunflower seeds paired up with steamed broccoli diced with olive oil. 

Tip: Sprinkle lemon juice on top and add in a green salad and chopped pears. 


A half melon/ a bowl of fruit salad. 

Add broccoli, kale, chickpeas, and onions sauteed in olive oil to make it yummier. 


Day 2


Start with warm lemon water right after waking up. You can even add in cayenne pepper for flavor

For the breakfast meal, A warm chia seed pudding. 


Mediterranean Salad with an extra load of nourishing vegetables. 

As an added snack, you can eat an apple with 2 tablespoons of almond butter


Steamed spring greens sauteed in flax oil with a handful of brown rice. On the side, a bowl of carrot-ginger soup. 


Day 3


Your everyday ‘Water with lemon’. If you’re feeling extra hungry, you can have kitchari with sauerkraut. 


Mixed vegetable salad with sprouts, grated carrot and spinach. With a side of kombucha and bean-stew. Add in the carrot-ginger soup if left out. 


Stir fried ocean veggies. Brown rice and finally herbal tea. 

Additional Notes:

  • You’re allowed to have snacks throughout the three days. Snacks are also helpful in stabilizing blood sugars.

    Some of the good options are: Almond milk, raw carrots, Fruits, fruit smoothies, baked beets, steamed broccoli and vegetable salads with lemon miso tahini dressing. 

  • This is just one of the famous diet plans for a 3-day liver detox diet. There are other ways to do it as well. There are also juice diets to follow during these 3 days. 
    Some of the other prominent cleanse plans are:
    1. 10 day green smoothie liver cleanse
    2. 7 day liver cleanse diet 
    3. 3 6 9 liver cleanse diet
    4. 24 hour liver detox

  • Another great way to cleanse your liver is to adapt a comparatively healthier lifestyle and to add in liver cleanse tea to your everyday diet. 


4. Foods To Add During The Cleanse

A 3-day liver cleanse diet is majorly dependent on the food you eat during those days.
Hence it is important to know what foods are nourishing to your liver and overall body. Some of the best options are:

Lemon and Green tea

If not lemon water, having lemon and green tea first thing in the morning can be excellent for your system. Caffeine is just what you need. 

Liver Tea

Some of the shops sell Liver detox Tea for your liver cleanse diets. This work wonders if you find the right one. One of the most widely bought Liver Teas is chamomile tea

Image source: TeaTox Life 

Leafy Greens

Green Leafy vegetables are your saviors during Liver Cleanse Diets. Leafy greens are rich in fiber and help you with digestion. Some great options for your liver are Broccoli, Beet Greens, Spinach, Watercress, Dandelion greens, and many more. 


You already know that probiotics are nothing but good bacteria. You can consume supplementary probiotics available on the market. If you’re interested, there are natural options too. You can opt for organic options such as kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi and miso. 

The advantage of probiotics is that they boost your digestion and improve your overall health. 

Liver Cleanse Juices

If not this diet plan, there are other diet plans which offer a 3-day juice cleanse as well. A juice cleanses (also known as a juice fast) is a way to do a 3-day liver detox by following a diet that involves only raw vegetable and fruit juices for 3 days. 

It can include morning detox tea, breakfast shakes, lunch shakes and dinner shakes. 

Image source: Femina


5. Foods To Avoid During The Cleanse

It is imperative that you cut down on certain foods while carrying out a 3-day liver cleanse or a 7-day liver detox diet Few of them are obvious like alcohol and junk food. But there’s more. Let’s dig in deep. 

  1. Alcohol
  2. Processed foods
  3. Added Sugars
  4. White Bread
  5. Rice (Sometimes)
  6. Pasta
  7. Red Meats 
  8. Milk, Cheese and other dairy products. 
  9. Frozen foods. 

Image source: Verywell Health


6. Precautions

  • Note that you need to be in good health before carrying out this diet. 
  • This 3-day liver cleanse plan will work out for you if any external complications are not in the way. 
  • Contraceptive Pills are harmful to your liver function. Remember to avoid. 
  • The 3-day Liver Detox can extend to more days depending on the results and functioning. 
  • Do not overly stress your body or push it to the limit during this diet. Remember to cease when you’re experiencing extreme discomfort. 


7. End Note

As we mentioned, a 3-day Liver Detox can be extremely nourishing for your body even when you are not experiencing any liver complications.

The diet plan contains multiple factors such as carefully crafted diet options and exercise routines which will increase your overall health.

However, remember not to exert yourself to an extent where you will hesitate to follow another liver cleanse plan. Remember - Baby steps. 

A Beginners Guide to Making the Best Detox Soups
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