
Decaffeinated Tea and Pregnancy: Is It Safe During Pregnancy?

Image source: BabyCentre

Pregnancy is by far the most memorable and beautiful experience one can be a part of; however, it is also one of the most stressful endeavors.

A gestating woman always goes the extra mile to consume healthy foods for the little one growing within. 

Several questions arise during this pregnancy period, ‘Can I eat X? Will eating X hinder the child's growth? How much X can I eat?’ and so forth. 

The answer to most questions is ambiguous unless researched thoroughly by the ever-inquisitive parents. 


1. Beverages during Pregnancy: Good or bad?

A healthy and nutritious diet is crucial during gestation for both the mother and the fetus. 

Thus, no parent leaves a stone unturned when maintaining the perfect diet.

Most mothers find it easier to drink healthy beverages than eat during the first trimester.  

There are several beverages that pregnant women live by:


  1.  Water - Necessary to keep both the bodies hydrated at all times.

  1. Lemonade - Helps stay cool, and hydrated and boosts indispensable Vitamin C.

  1. Fruit Juices - Fruit juices are a great source of vitamins and can be blended with an array of fruits to the person’s liking. 

  1. Vegetable Juices - Vegetable juices are a healthier take on fruit juices sometimes; however, they bring almost the same things to the table.

    They are cooling and a great way to feed veggies into the gestating bodies. 

  1. Pregnancy Tea: We saved the best for the last.

    Pregnancy tea is one of the best drinks to consume if you’re trying to play it safe during pregnancy whilst also looking for tasty beverage options.

    Curious to know how you can make it a part of your daily diet during pregnancy?

    Check out these awesome articles on how to make raspberry leaf tea & nettle tea recipe.  


A banner image of Raspberry leaf tea bags by TeaTox Life

However, every coin has two sides.

There are a few beverages that to-be-mothers must avoid:

  1. Alcohol - Alcohol is often associated with premature birth, birth defects, and fetal spectrum disorders. 
  1. Caffeinated drinks – Caffeine is a stimulant and a diuretic; it thus increases blood pressure and heartbeat, both of which are not recommended during pregnancy. (1)
  1. Few people even try to maintain their health by following a gluten-free diet. In such cases, it might not always be a good idea to do so. 

Recommended Reading: Gluten Free diet and fertility 

Men and women in the US are split evenly when it comes to drinking coffee; however, according to the Tea Association of the USA, the United States’ most extensive group of tea drinkers is women between the ages of 30 and 50.

85% of the tea drank in the US is iced tea, the tea of choice being black tea, followed by Green, White, and Oolong tea. (2)

Unfortunately, tea contains caffeine, and caffeine is bad for pregnant women.

There is a fair trade-off for this debacle, decaffeinated tea.


2. What is Decaffeinated Tea?

Any beverage that is decaf/decaffeinated essentially is rid of any caffeine content.

According to the FDA, decaf teas have less caffeine than regular tea; however, they still contain traces of caffeine.

There are several methods for decaffeinating tea.

Each operates uniquely and has a distinct impact on the final output.

Decaffeinating tea doesn’t usually affect its flavoring; thus, to-be mothers can sip their favorite beverage without the ill of caffeine. 


3. Decaf tea and pregnancy: How do they correlate?

Image Source: IrishCentral

Most tea-loving to-be-mothers would usually venture into the vast knowledge of the internet using these search words,
- decaffeinated tea pregnancy,
- decaf tea in early pregnancy,
- decaf tea ok during pregnancy,
- decaffeinated Lipton tea during pregnancy,
- is Lipton decaf tea safe during pregnancy
, or some variation of the same question. 

For those trying to conceive or pregnant, caffeine must be limited due to its ill effects or avoided entirely if possible. 

Thus, decaffeinated tea provides the joy of sipping their favorite drink to these women without caffeine whilst retaining its antioxidants and flavor.


4. How much decaf tea is safe during pregnancy?

Decaf tea is a safe bet during the gestation period; it might even help one get over their caffeine fix in a controlled manner.

However, the intake of decaf tea should be within certain constraints. 

Decaffeinated tea during pregnancymustn’t cross 200 mg, about two to three cups of tea a day.

However, checking with your doctor beforehand is always a smart move during this delicate period.

A lot of sites suggest steeping tea bags in hot water for a couple of minutes and then re-steeping in a new glass of water after rinsing the bag to remove caffeine from tea. 

However, this doesn't often work, nor is it a proven method and it may also wash away the anti-oxidants from the tea leaves. 

Instead of trying these erroneous methods, one can purchase decaffeinated tea of their liking right off their trusted brands.

Mothers can thus enjoy a hot cup of their earl grey decaf tea and pregnancy or Lipton decaf tea and pregnancy, whichever they prefer, side by side without facing repercussions. 


5. Is decaf tea good during pregnancy?

Image source: Powerfullmothering 

There are several benefits associated with decaffeinated tea irrespective of whether the consumer is pregnant or otherwise: (3)


  • Antioxidants 

Decaf tea contains antioxidants that safeguard the functions of the skin, muscles, immune system, eyes, and heart. These antioxidants aid in deteriorating aging effects. 

Not just the decaf tea, there are many options if you wish to add a punch to your pregnancy diet.

You may also try nettle tea, jasmine tea, raspberry tea, and many more.

RECOMMENDED READING: Nettle Tea for Pregnancy


  • Enhances health holistically

Decaf tea helps both physically and mentally. It helps calm the mind and rid one of anxiety whilst working its herbs. 

For instance, Chamomile tea is well known for providing a calming effect, Cinnamon tea aids digestion, and Peppermint tea relieves stress. 

Red raspberry tea is known for its benefits for hormones and during postpartum

Dandelion tea, on the other hand, is an excellent diuretic during pregnancy.

Dandelion leaves and roots are well renowned, especially for their nourishing value.

RECOMMENDED READING: Dandelion Tea for Pregnancy

  • Nutritious

Decaf tea often contains minerals and vitamins like potassium, riboflavin, folic acid, etc, along with polyphenols.

Thus, a cup of decaf tea supplies the body with substantial amounts of nutrients. 


  • Controlled caffeine

Caffeine has its fair share of ill effects on pregnant and non-gestating civilians.

Decaf tea is a great tool to combat caffeine addiction or get caffeine fixes down in a controlled manner. 


6. Side Effects of Caffeine during Pregnancy

Image source: Shape-able

The unwanted effects of caffeine during pregnancy could be:

  1. Low birth weight

  2. Stimulated blood pressure and heart rate of the bearer

  3. Dehydration in to-be-mothers.

  4. Sleeplessness, which leads to a lot of issues for the ever-exerted gestating woman.

  5. It may trigger headaches.

  6. May cause an upset stomach or diarrhea due to its release of excess acid into the stomach.

  7. Pregnancy hormones can cause stress on the liver, and caffeine adds to this prevalent stress, leading to medical issues.


7. To tea or not to tea: Decaf tea during pregnancy?

Image source:The Mummy Bubble

In conclusion, the answer to the question ‘is decaf tea ok during pregnancy’ would be yes under most circumstances. 

Caffeine in regular amounts is a definite no-no during pregnancy.

Decaffeinated tea is a much safer option thus far, but it still has traces of caffeine, so one should take it in controlled portions. 

Drinking decaf tea during pregnancy will pose no particular harm to the well-being of both lives, incidentally, it might even help make the cycle a lot more joyful for them.  

Once you start drinking decaf tea, including it in your diet will be a lot easier. All this said, consulting with a gynecologist beforehand is a safe and advisable step to take, always.

Quick & Easy Homemade Nettle Tea Recipe
Tea For Pregnancy Nausea: 7 Unique Teas To Help You Out!