Can I Drink Black Tea During Pregnancy? - Herbal Hermit
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Can I Drink Black Tea During Pregnancy?

Tea is one of the highest consumed beverages in the world, and it is one of the most popular beverages that women enjoy during their pregnancy. But why do women love tea? A cup of tea is packed with numerous health benefits. It has antioxidants to boost the immune system, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, lowers the level of cholesterol, reduces the stress level, and also helps in weight loss.

 Pregnant women use tea as a tonic to decompress their dehydrated bodies and also as a remedy during childbirth.

Can I Drink Black Tea During Pregnancy?

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Even though some teas are naturally safe for pregnant women and they may benefit from the regular intake of the drink, not all teas are particularly recommended during pregnancy. Many women are habituated to regular consumption of black tea. The to-be-moms are filled to the brim with innumerable suggestions, and avoiding black tea is one of them. This suggestion is not factually correct, and this article delves into the myth of altogether avoiding black tea during pregnancy.


Is Black Tea Safe During Pregnancy?


The most crucial point to note before consuming black tea is the amount of caffeine present in one cup. It is not only limited to Black tea, but Green tea, Matcha, oolong tea, and chai all contain hints of caffeine as they are sourced from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that is not advisable to consume during pregnancy. A lot of foods that pregnant women consume may have caffeine, like chocolates, coffee, and carbonated drinks. Therefore, it is advisable to keep track of the amount of caffeine intake per day. Here is a look at the different kinds of tea and the amount of caffeine they bear per cup of 240 ml quantity.

Read more:  Raspberry Leaf Tea Or A Super Food For Pregnancy

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Type of Tea

Caffeine content


Black tea

47 - 53 mg



60 - 80 mg


Oolong tea

38 - 58 mg



47 - 53 mg


White tea

25 - 50 mg


Green tea

29 - 49 mg

Why Do Pregnant Women Consume Black Tea?

Black tea works as a stimulant that rejuvenates the body and wakes up the brain after it is absorbed into our bloodstream. The aroma of a freshly brewed cup of black tea gives a feeling of warmth and has a relaxing effect on our bodies.

Pregnant women go through a lot of hormonal changes, and this causes fatigue. Black tea provides them with instant relaxation by calming their nerves and reducing stress levels. The antioxidants present in the tea slow down the natural aging process of the body and boosts immunity.

Is Black Tea Safe During Pregnancy?

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Nutritional Benefits

Yes, Black tea provides relaxation and rejuvenation to the tired body with its calming properties. But every food contains several nutritional benefits, and this is the case with Black tea too. Apart from caffeine, a cup of tea hosts several nutrients that are vital for a pregnant woman. Since a lot of women find it difficult to cut out the tea from their daily lives but are afraid of the repercussions on the baby, this nutritional chart will help them relax. This is the amount of nutrients that are present in one cup of black tea.

Read more:  Can Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Help To Improve Fertility?

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Nutrients Present

Amount of Nutrients



0.7 grams



11.9 mcg



7.1 mg



2.4 mg



87.7 mg



884 mcg



7.1 mg



4.7 mg


Side Effects of Drinking Black Tea During Pregnancy

Anything in excess is very bad for you, and this goes for black tea as well. Here are some side effects of excess consumption of your favorite beverage.

Caffeine Content

Even though the caffeine content in Black tea is normal, frequent consumption of the beverage can increase the caffeine amount in your body, which is detrimental to the baby. Caffeine is known to cross the placenta and affect the liver of the baby. The side effects will be evident in a few months as a study has shown that too much caffeine content may lead to a higher risk of preterm birth, or the baby might have defects and low weight after delivery. Caffeine can also increase the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, the safe caffeine intake is 100 to 300 mg per day.



If you are consuming more than two cups of black tea in a day, you run the risk of facing anemia which is the condition when the hemoglobin decreases in the body. Pregnant women are already more susceptible to anemia as the body requires more blood, iron, folate, and vitamin B12 during the third semester. Black tea may aggravate the issue due to the caffeine content, and this may lead to issues like dizziness, shortness of breath, and chest pain. This can also have negative effects on the baby as the baby itself could be born with anemia.

Miscarriages or Congenital defects

In large amounts, Black tea can cause miscarriages in pregnant women due to an increase in caffeine content in the body. Black tea is a stimulant, and more than two cups a day of the beverage increases the risk of miscarriages or congenital defects in the newborn. Some women have different genetics that makes them more sensitive to the effects of caffeine, and these women are 2.4 times more likely to have a miscarriage even with minute amounts of caffeine. 


Decaf Black Tea

Many women find it extremely difficult to let go of their black tea fixation, but during pregnancy, they can opt for a caffeine-free version to get rid of all the side effects of Black tea. Even though many herbal teas contain no caffeine, nothing beats the aroma and satisfaction derived from a strong cup of black tea. If you are worried about the caffeine intake, you can switch to a decaf version of the tea. For the sake of the baby, pregnant women can make their own decaf version of the black tea using the steeping method.


If you are making your beverage using tea leaves, then cover the leaves with enough water to cover all the leaves. Put the water to boil and after it boils, strain the water and store the leaves in another container. The leaves can be reused for another session of tea by following the same steps. Strain the first concoction into a cup, and you have your first decaf black tea ready in a few minutes.

If you are using a teabag to make black tea, then directly dip the teabag into a cup of hot water and keep dipping it for 30 seconds. Dispose of the water and again take a fresh batch of hot water and dip the used teabag into it. The first dip strips the tea of all its caffeine, and you are left with a decaffeinated version of the black tea in the second batch.



Pregnant women get all types of cravings, and it is hard to fight that urge. Women habituated with black tea in their daily lives might find it very difficult to let go of their favorite beverage. The easiest way of resisting the craving is to keep track of the amount you consume. Portion control becomes significant when it comes to caffeine as the recommended amount of caffeine for a pregnant woman is 200 mg per day, which means two cups of black tea.

There is always a drawback to every great thing. The same is the case with Black tea. Not drinking black tea during pregnancy is riddled with myths, but too much of everything is terrible. If you are not keeping track of the amount you are consuming, it could lead to severe complications in the later stage of the pregnancy. Consumption in the right proportion can lead to a very relaxing and stress-free nine months. 

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