
Raspberry Leaf Tea for PCOS: Does the Women’s Herb Actually Work?

If you’re struggling to manage your PCOS symptoms, it’s time to review your lifestyle. While PCOS is a common disorder, managing its symptoms requires effort, like eating healthy and regular exercise.


Thankfully, besides maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we’ve several herbal teas for reducing PCOS symptoms. Among them, raspberry leaf tea is one of the most effective ones. Here’s everything you need to know about raspberry leaf tea for PCOS.


Overview of PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that affects around 8 to 13% of reproductive-aged women 1. It manifests as a hormonal imbalance causing ovarian cysts, leading to irregular and painful menstrual cycles and other potential fertility issues.


The common symptoms of PCOS include irregular menstruation, excess body or facial hair growth, weight gain, and acne. There are several natural remedies to manage PCOS symptoms but they must be combined with a healthy lifestyle.


Is raspberry leaf tea good for PCOS: Traditional Uses & Benefits

Raspberry leaf tea, made from the leaves of the red Raspberry plant, has a tannin-rich phytochemical makeup that supports women’s fertility health. It is generally considered among the best herbal teas for PCOS as it helps ease menstrual cramps and contributes to a healthy pregnancy. However, no specific research studies back up the effects of raspberry leaf tea on PCOS.


The History of Using Raspberry Leaf Tea for Women’s Health

Raspberry leaf tea and PCOS have an age-old connection. Known as the women’s herb, Raspberry leaf tea has been effectively used for centuries by European and Native American women to ease menstrual and gastrointestinal cramps, nausea, and contractions during labor, and to strengthen the uterus for easy delivery.

Traditionally, raspberries had several uses. Culpeper (1616-1654) in his book The Complete Herbal talked about raspberry leaf as “very binding and good for fevers, ulcers, putrid sores of the mouth and secret parts, for stones of the kidneys and too much flowing of the women’s courses.” 2

In ancient times, red raspberry leaf was used to prepare the womb for childbirth, aid breastfeeding, and relax blood vessels. It was also used as a remedy for diarrhea and the treatment of wounds due to its abundance of vitamins, minerals, and tannins. (2


The Effects of Raspberry Leaf Tea on PCOS

Not just ancient gurus, but even modern science supports the effectiveness of herbs as a treatment for PCOS and raspberry leaf is among the most effective herbs for PCOS teas.3

According to Nicole Granato, a holistic nutrition expert, drinking raspberry leaf tea for PCOS helps clear the congestion in the female organ area. It focuses on the uterus and ovaries, breaking up stagnation in the area, which is crucial for PCOS 4. Additionally, red Raspberry leaf tea for PCOS helps with:


  • Hormonal balance – Raspberry leaf tea contains bioactive compounds that help with managing hormonal imbalances. It also balances estrogen levels which is beneficial for women with PCOS.
  • Uterine muscle toning – Known as the uterine tonic, Raspberry leaf tea can tone and strengthen the uterine muscles which is beneficial for women who experience irregular menstrual cycles due to PCOS. 5
  • Regularity in menstrual cycles – Raspberry leaf tea benefits females with PCOS as it helps regularize menstruation by balancing hormones and strengthening the uterus.
  • Reproductive well-being - Raspberry leaf is enriched with several nutrients like potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Hence, raspberry leaf tea reduces PCOS symptoms and promotes a healthy reproductive system.
  • Oxidative stress reduction – Raspberry leaf tea contains antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress. This is especially relevant for women with PCOS as studies suggest that oxidative stress contributes significantly to developing PCOS and declining fertility 6.

    Here are the ingredients and benefits that make raspberry leaf one of the best fertility teas for PCOS.

    Raspberry Leaf Ingredients


    Vitamin B6

    Aids hormonal balance by regulating hormones

    Antioxidant compounds

    Protects against inflammation and helps with oxidative stress reduction

    Vitamin A, C, B, and E

    Prevents oxidative stress and improves cellular processes

    Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron

    Strengthens uterine muscles, reduces period cramps, morning sickness and helps with labor and delivery

    Tannins and flavonoids

    Increases blood flow to the uterus, tones uterus muscles and contracting capacity

    How to Use Raspberry Leaf Tea for PCOS: Dosage, Consumption & Precaution

    Raspberry leaf tea can be consumed at any time, but it is specifically beneficial in the days leading up to your menstrual cycle as it helps prevent cramps and balance iron deficiency. It is recommended to drink one to three cups of raspberry tea for PCOS in a day.

    Boil 100ml of drinking water, add one teaspoon of raspberry tea, steep the tea for 3-5 mins, and add sweetener if required. Raspberry leaf tea is also available in capsule form, and the recommended dosage is about 600mg per day

    Image source: Herbal Hermit

    One of the best natural remedies for PCOS is Raspberry leaf tea. But there are certain precautionary measures you must follow.

    • Pregnant women should not consume Raspberry leaf tea before the third trimester. Dr. Berry-Roberts recommends avoiding raspberry leaf tea in early pregnancy or while preterm (before 37 weeks) as it has the potential to soften the cervix and induce labor. 7 It is best to consult a healthcare provider before consumption.
    • Raspberry leaf tea does not have major side effects, but it might adversely affect interaction with other drugs. Hence, it is recommended to avoid consumption during breastfeeding due to the lack of evidence of its safety.
    • Red raspberry leaf might act like estrogen. So, it is better to avoid taking raspberry leaf tea if you have any estrogen-sensitive conditions, like breast cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or ovarian cancer.

      Other Best Teas for PCOS

      Red raspberry leaf tea has multiple benefits for PCOS but several other herbal teas help with PCOS symptoms.  


      Spearmint Tea

      Spearmint herbal tea for PCOS is excellent for women with hormonal imbalances. The herb has shown promising anti-androgen effects on women, especially with hirsutism characterizing excessive body and facial hair growth.

      Research suggests that regular consumption of spearmint tea can reduce androgen levels, helping with hormonal imbalances 8. Additionally, it reduces testosterone, restoring follicular growth in the ovarian tissue and promoting ovulation.

      Chamomile Tea

      Another herb for PCOS tea is chamomile, which can help you manage PCOS symptoms with its calming and anti-inflammatory effects. Chamomile tea for PCOS contains flavonoids and phytosterols that help regulate hormonal levels. Additionally, chamomile’s anti-inflammatory properties can benefit women with PCOS by improving lipid profiles and triglyceride levels 9.

      Dosage & Precautions

      •       One or two cups of chamomile tea post your best PCOS meals aid digestion and help with stomach issues. It also helps induce relaxation and sleep.
      •       If taken in capsule form, chamomile dosages vary from 900-1,200mg daily. A high dosage of concentrated chamomile might cause vomiting and drowsiness.
      •       Pregnant women must avoid taking chamomile to avoid the risk of miscarriage. People allergic to chrysanthemums, asters, and daisies must avoid chamomile as they’re more likely to be allergic to it. 

      Ginger Tea

      This is a powerful PCOS herbal tea recipe, known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties that help with PCOS symptoms like menstrual cramps, mood swings, and headaches.

      Ginger tea helps restore female hormonal balance (estrogen and progesterone ratio) which benefits PCOS management. Also, ginger reduces nausea and vomiting tendencies during pregnancy.

      Other ways to manage PCOS symptoms

      If you're looking for natural remedies to manage your PCOS symptoms, raspberry leaf tea is the best for PCOS among other herbal teas. But following a healthy routine is a must to make the most out of these teas. Here's what you need to do:

      • ​Opt for diets rich in healthy fats, whole grains, and lean proteins. 
      • Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.
      • ​Avoid taking junk, processed, and fried foods. 
      • Incorporate regular exercise in your routine to help with balancing hormones, reducing stress, improving menstrual irregularities, and promoting overall well-being.


      Key Takeaways

      There’s no denying that Raspberry leaf tea is one of the most effective natural remedies for PCOS. This powerful herb has active compounds regulate hormonal imbalances and strengthen the uterus for delivery and boosts overall immunity. 

      But, if you want significant results in managing PCOS symptoms, combine raspberry leaf tea for PCOS with a healthy lifestyle - good diet and regular exercise.

      You might also consider other herbal teas for PCOS to help with the symptoms. But before you incorporate any herbs for PCOS, consult with your healthcare provider to understand if the herbal teas might interfere with your medical treatment.



      Is Raspberry Leaf Tea suitable for everyone with PCOS?

      Raspberry leaf tea for PCOS works wonders for women with menstrual irregularities. The herb helps balance hormones and promotes overall reproductive health with its nutrient-rich (potassium, magnesium, calcium) composition. Though raspberry leaf tea has no major side effects, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider, especially for pregnant women.


      Does Raspberry Leaf Tea directly treat PCOS?

      Raspberry leaf tea aids PCOS symptoms by reducing inflammation, regulating the menstrual cycle, and toning the uterus. The herb has a nutrient-rich profile that ensures maintaining reproductive health and reducing PCOS symptoms.


      How long does it take to see results from drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea for PCOS?

      Consuming raspberry leaf tea regularly for at least one to two weeks before menstruation reduces cramps and regulates the menstrual cycle. Additionally, consuming it regularly leading up to childbirth in moderate amounts aids in preparing the uterus for easy delivery and promotes reproductive health.


      Can Raspberry Leaf Tea be used during pregnancy for individuals with PCOS?

      Pregnant women can start taking raspberry leaf tea at around 32 weeks of pregnancy to ensure healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery. It is always best to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating this wonder herb in your routine.



      1. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/polycystic-ovary-syndrome#:~:text=Polycystic%20ovary%20syndrome%20(PCOS)%20affects,a%20leading%20cause%20of%20infertility.
      2. https://herbsocietyblog.wordpress.com/2020/01/13/raspberry-herb-of-the-year-and-herb-of-the-month-history-and-lore/
      3. https://www.mdpi.com/2673-6284/12/1/4
      4. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/exactly-how-this-holistic-nutritionist-1298692790861878.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAiQRIXpXVEX1YHvs_9qT1sXBx3rYZxC2h58cmGjJazwnONqXVn1SBZVTDPKLG-Rb-JnvJ-g5QFZ-V-Z7LJZc6feZ3RVTmJVhTlDqkGs5DcfHG_gaJApzVLL6ljpgZ4MLtE_AXe_ZmPGjhPOwWgFm_MX1W2NXgdHFGYEZm1Pguc0
      5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7871383/#:~:text=Raspberry%20leaf%20is%20frequently%20used,haemorrhage%20%5B10%2C%2011%5D.
      6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6547785/
      7. https://www.austinregionalclinic.com/blogs/article/raspberry-leaf-tea-and-pregnancy#:~:text=Though%20Dr.,the%20cervix%20and%20inducing%20labor.%22
      8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19585478/
      9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5961291/
      10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5441188/
      11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4979258/
      12. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309405275_Herbal_Medicine_in_the_Treatment_of_Polycystic_Ovary_Syndrome
      13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9420213/
      Raspberry Leaf Tea for Conception: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects